During my entire DE
course, lesson on ICT has been very
effective and helpful to me. It has taught me many lessons that are needed
during my current profession. For example:

line survey using google docs
during my RS in
the College, I have learnt to create varieties of questions for the survey
which will definitely help me and for my friends in doing survey work in the
personal documents in the google drive
choosing ICT as
my optional course was not mistaken rather it was a fortunate to me since being
in the course, I could learnt to save my necessary document in the Google drive
that can remain till I want it and can be documented from it any time and
relevant information using advanced web search skills
I have learnt to
use advanced web search skills that I can use while preparing my lesson to my
future students. With the help of these skills I can always make my teaching
interesting and effective to my students. Therefore, I salute my tutor for
providing such extra information and including ICT module in the DE course.
blogs and wikis which helped me to share my written articles that can be edited
and pass comment by many friends,
earlier I was
not knowing such type of facilities and with the help of this course I could
learnt to create and use it to post my article to friends and do necessary
editing and comment on my articles. This skill will definitely help my students
and me to write articles in the future and do necessary work using friends.
camtasia soft ware
during my DE 1st
year course I have learnt to this soft ware but due to busy schedule I made to
forgot the procedure but it was a blessing that an assignment using Camtasia
was given to us which we recollect and design video tutorial which was
interesting and helpful.
word activities
initially I
thought I am perfect to use MS word,
inserting necessary shapes, photos, etc but while doing MS assignment,
it was interesting and some of them was complicated which I have not done
before. Therefore, I give my learning credit to my tutor for assigning such
a quiz with Wonder share creator
Firstly I have
learnt to download free soft ware and made that there are software that will expire
its date. It was a interesting assignment that I can use every year to conduct
quiz competition among the houses and classes. To be frank, my friends also
enjoyed making class quiz for their classes. It is a soft ware that we can
insert and use varieties of clips, videos, songs, and other interesting items
that can make the quiz more interesting and enjoyable.
Finally I thank my tutor
that, the assignment and information provided to us was healthy and informative
with lots of practical exercises that can remain forever in use in near future.
It not only helped me but benefited my students and friends too. So, I thank
and Salute you, Sir for initiating and providing interesting assignments to
enhance our learning.
Thank you
Changing with time is what I loved in you. And your quest to learn new things, try out crazy things and having a childlike curiosity makes you stand out from the crowd. Keep your journey on and we will follow you.